
Magic Lantern receives no public funding and relies entirely on donations and on schools’ fees. Our aim is to provide all our workshops at subsidised rates to enable any school or institution to book us. Your donations allow us to provide a valuable service to a wide range of children and adults.

How to donate


CAF Bank
Account number: 00004978
Sort code: 40-52-40

or contact:

Briony Brickell
Director, Magic Lantern

Mobile:           07842 850016

Registered Charity No.1048092


Links to previous years’ accounts can be found below:

2022-23 Accounts

2021-22 Accounts

2020-21 Accounts

2019-20 Accounts

2018-19 Accounts

2017-18 Accounts


Our current funding

We were launched in 1994 with the generous help of Marks & Spencer PLC. Our current funding is made up of grants from private donors as well as from the following organisations:

We are extremely grateful to Fisher Philips Chartered Accountants for their pro bono work on our behalf and to Hitachi Europe for their in-kind support.

Website funding

Funding for this website was made possible thanks to a generous donation from the The Arts Society, Greater London Area and The Arts Society Hampstead Heath.